Landry Amps M100L

  • Product Manufacturer: Landry
  • Product Product Type: Used Consignment


1 In stock



Landry Amps are vintage inspired, hand-wired all-tube amplifiers made here in the U.S.A.Bill Landry is the owner, builder and guitar player with an extremely high level of dedication to excellence.

The M series bring a more linear preamp response for a “bigger” overall tone, with the clean channel resting squarely in the “American” style of voicing. The gain channels feature the same configuration as the LS100G3 but have a smoother voicing that can go from buttery smooth to roaring. The high gain mode takes the gain over the top to satisfy any high gain player and maintains its responsiveness at all settings.
100 watts
6L6 power tubes
3-way bright switch (gain channels only)
tube-buffered effects loop
digital reverb
master volume
depth control
switchable diode clipping
hard/soft switch